MOTM system of the Week part 1

Yes, that's right, a new feature of my blog. I've asked fellow MOTM users, to send me pics and info of their modulars, big or small, finished or not, to post on this blog for all to enjoy. Hopefully you do, and will send me your pics too.
To start things off, here is the modular of Dave Abbey. It is build in a flight case like housing, and contains not only MOTM but also some other compatible modules, and some patch bays. He didn't tell me what brand they are, but they appear to be , am I right Dave? Also like the oscilloscope on top, visualizing the sound. He comments that it is a work in progress, but hey, aren't all modulars? They never seem finished. Submit your MOTM modular pics and stories to Motmsynth, and put the word MOTM in the subject , otherwise my spam filter will trash it :-)
Very cool modular. Dave, how would you characterize the difference between the Dotcom and MOTM oscillators? I like the idea of dissimilar oscillators in a system.
I've notified Dave of your comment, perhaps he'll leave you a comment soon.
Thanks for stopping by :-)
Looks like a dotcom instrument interface, signal processor, standards, osciallor, 8-channel mixer, and amplifier in the bottom left quadrant. I'm building one of those systems now. Maybe I'll have to try a MOTM next!
Nice feature! I'll be watching.
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