Historic Moment?

I'm not sure if the word 'historic' qualifies, but today I did something that is pretty unlikely to happen again:
I soldered and finished my MOTM-800, which was my last kit I had on order from Synth Tech, and is historic in the sense that this will probably be the last complete kit (Paul refers to this as MOTM 1.0) from Synth Tech I've ever build.
You never know what you find on e-bay or via users groups of course, but the likely hood of an unbuild kit is relatively small, anything purchased through those channels will likely be already build.
Anyway, for now, I guess I'm done soldering, my next two modules (arriving tomorrow if the postal services don't get trouble with snow) are factory build, and what I've got in mind after that will likely be the same.
There is of course the future: MOTM 2.0 as it's currently known. These are partial kits that can be ordered, including part sets for hard to get parts, but you're on your own in getting all the other parts bits and pieces. Still very do-able but requires a bit more work on your part, that Paul used to have to do, and now has this time building ready modules, developing new stuff etc.
So Synth Tech branded DIY is still very much alive, but with a difference.
Anyway, back to the 800, this is Synth Tech ADSR no 3, and including the Oakley ADSR-VCA module arriving tomorrow, will bring the total of envelope generators on my synth to 4, which I think is enough considering the size of my synth, but should give me sufficient flexibility for now.
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