Phase two of My MOTM

Thus far, I've reported mainly about building my MOTM synthesizer made from the standard kits without any other modifications.
However, having come close to 'completing' my synth over the years (I doubt it will ever be finished as it is very addictive), I have started to see what I can do to bring more functionality into this synth and also more 'blinky lights' as everyone loves those don't they? :-)
So I decided to start off with a modification to my envelope generators, and I've chosen the modification as available from the Tellun corporation run by Scott Juskiw. ( more info here ) This will enable the EG's to be triggered from slow LFO signals among others,and has led drivers on board for both the Gate and the EG out signals (bring on the blinkies :-) ). Several people have done this modification already and it is a very nice and quality upgrade to the MOTM-800. This will add another PCB to the 800 in the form of a daughter board, but will still fit behind the same 1U panel. The PCB can be seen in the picture here.
While I have not yet received the PCB's, I've received all the electronic components and hardware including the leds, so I will start soon to mark out and drill the holes on the front panel to accomodate these. Leaves me only one choice which color to use for what function, blue for gate, and yellow for the envelope, or the otherway around? Any preferences?
Time for a new cabinet!
I'd have to hide it somewhere, my wife won't be too happy :-)
The technical term for "blinky lights" is blinkenlights.
yes so i've read, among others on the Tellun site. :-)
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