Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Latest news from SynthTech

Straight from the man himself:


a) I will ship a few things tomorrow AM, but will not be able to again until the week of Nov. 9th. I am taking vacation that week in order to catch up and to get the Euro modules released to production. The code for both is now finalized and is entering beta testing. I think the HW is also done but need to run a few system-level tests first.

b) MOTM-960s will be out-of-stock (in reality, not shopping cart) until Nov. 16th.

c) MOTM-19A rails are out-of-stock (reality) until Nov. 9th.

d) The week of Nov. 9th will be focused on shipping remaining assembled backlog as much as I can. I will not have time to work on assembled backlog again until Dec. I am spending Thanksgiving week on kit backlog. December is looking very insane, as I need to get E340s/E350s to Analog Haven and still see what I can ship out for 'regular' backlog. I cannot possibly ship *everything* to *everybody*. By Dec 1st I will guess that only 5% of the *total* backlog will remain from where it was on Jan 1st of this year. But that means there will be some people without there modules for yet *another* year.

The upside (??!?) is that by the end of Jan. I expect to hit the milestone that has not happened in over 10 years: zero backlog (or maybe a few modules on order). Of course that in turn means zero income until orders arrive. So what will be the next (hopefully) order-driver? The MOTM-520/521/530s of course :)

But I will be frank: in order to continue with new 5U modules, I have to sell reasonable numbers of the 520/530. And by 'reasonable' I mean at least 40 of each one in the first 3 months. Remember: these are SMT modules (like the '650 and the '730) and when I put them into the cart, I will have sufficient pc boards built up to ship orders in < 4 weeks. If I am not travelling for my day job that may drop to < 1 week. The solder jockeys out there (you know who you are) will have to make due with not being able to DIY it but instead actually use it. Lastly, there are several people that have been waiting a VERY LONG TIME for all of their modules, and I *will not* put the new modules up for sale until every module is shipped to those folks. I want to start with a completely clean slate. Sometimes I think it's too late for that, but I hope enough of the ~ 700 people that have been MOTM customers will let me prove it next year. I would like to hit 10,000 MOTM 5U modules shipped one day. Let's see....as of today I need another 1553 (that's shipped, BTW). I should hit module #8500 by Dec 31st. Paul S. There you have it, and just to refresh your memories: The 520 is the long awaited Cloudgenerator, the 521 is its expansion module, and the 530 is the module that is based on the upcoming E-350 , and has the wonderful name of "Morphing Terrarium" Once again: This is a wavetable VCO with 1024 base waveforms, stereo outputs, LFO range down to 1 cycle/18min, and voltage-controlled waveform morphing in 2 dimensions . Demos of the E350 are right here.



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