Wednesday, December 09, 2009

December Update

It's been a while since there was some note worthy update, but Paul and Co have not been sitting idle. Sorting out issues with Pot suppliers, working on eurorack modules and the backlog have been the name of the game until now. Here is the latest:

a) kits will begin shipping later this week. I won't have every module kitted but over 1/2 of them.

b) extra kits go on sale 10PM Texas time Monday Dec 28th. ( Ed: these are kits of the current model range going back into the online shop for a while, extra after holiday gift ideas perhaps?)

c) I will ship until Friday Dec. 18th, then start back up again around Dec 30th.

d) I'm doing all I can to ship as much as I can, to as many people as I can. I will respond to individual "where is my stuff" emails mid-week. I need to get the 2 Euro modules to the SMT assembly house as #1 priority the next few days, then I can 'relax' and get back to MOTM until they get sent to me around the 21st.

Paul S.



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