The following update comes straight from Synthtech's Paul Schreiber :
a) I will have 4 of the 5 boards in the MOTM-730 VC Divider in later this week for testing. These are "prototypes but ready for production', meaning unless I screwed up I can use the design for production. The last board is the CPU board, it is a 4-layer board (hopefully not 6) and I will get these at the end of the month. The mechanical design of how all 5 boards stack up/interconnect was quite a pain. By the end of May the board set & front panel will be released for production, and around the 4th of July will be ready to ship. The cost will be $349.
b) due to extensive non-MOTM work requirements starting tomorrow, very little will be shipped this month. I will be able to ship what I can April 22-26, I will try to catch up as much as possible. The month of May looks to be *much* better in this regard, and also May is set aside for the CG/CGX pcb layouts. The breadboarding has gone well for both of these, we are convinced there is no major issues so it's time to flip the switch.
c) I will get MOTM-300 panels with the new paint April 21st.
d) as time allows (again, not a whole lot in April) I will start kitting up the last 62 MOTM kits, starting with the 4xx VCFs. I need to pound on Newark for the rest of the log pots (they owe me 200) but I do have 300 of the 248J (metal shafts, plastic bushings).
e) also due in this Wednesday are the revised MOTM-910 mult pc boards (I messed up the jack holes the first time, they worked but not 'perfectly') and I expect them to be good enough for production. I have 5 coming in, I will build up the 5 and ship them out ASAP as there are back orders for 9 I last checked.
Paul S.
So some great news on new modules, and not too many back orders left, meaning that by the middle of this year, shipments will be on track for every new order.
Now, which one to go for.......