Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Finally some synth fun :-)

Today I found some time to sit down and actually play my synths, a few of them that is.
It was one of those sessions where you just switch them on, tinker around a bit and to see if something useful or inspiring "jumps up" out of the depths of my head. I guess some of you will recognise that. Either it's a rhythm that inspires, a certain sound, or by playing around you suddenly find that catchy hook you've always wanted, and presto another platinum album is born! :-) (well the lucky few of us may have that on occasion at least..) MY session wasn't that productive, but I had fun, and I did find a nice new sound that inspired me , and will be using to compose a future track. The source, well the MOTM of course! :-)


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back home and a new post

Well, big changes ahead. I returned from work yesterday, and have a new job starting in 10 days from now, hopefully I can keep up with the MOTM community, and my own synth antics better from now on.
A few things of note coming from Synth Tech:

- The shipping backlog is getting smaller, will be at a 10 year low mid May, which got to be a good thing :-)
- The MOTM-730 competition is still on, so if you have one and have not yet entered, you still have a week!
- Owners of the MOTM-650 midi-cv, there are a few bugs in the unit still (mine occasionally freezes), but updates may be on the horizon finally. Paul hasn't mentioned any details, but says to stay tuned, and that should be encouraging.

2009 appears to be a year of change, Synth Tech's business is slowly turning to phase 2 (new modules, new mfg techniques, no more backlog), I'm starting a new job, and hope to be working on this blog more regularly than I have been able to in the past.

More soon.