Friday, November 30, 2007

+7000 and counting.

Thank you all for visiting.

This time, a small video about Jean Michel Jarre's new anniversary album. It's 30 years ago that he released Oxygene. It was my introduction to synthesizers, and all the great sounds and music they can make, in the right hands. No MOTM in sight, but it was my first step, and eventually led my to start building a synth many years later.
Enough from me, here is the master himself :-)


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cynthia Webster announces new MOTM format module

Cynthia, also known as Cyndustries, has recently introduced another great module in MOTM format, priced at $299,-. It's called the sawtooth animator.

Here is her story:
Turn the sound of one lone oscillator into seven!

(Your ear or an oscilloscope simply can't tell the difference between this module and a whole rack of seven VCOs tuned in unison!)

This amazing Bernie Hutchins circuit has been admired by Designers for years as a true electronic engineering marvel, (Of course here at Cyndustries we could not simply leave well enough alone, click here for Mark Barton's "Full Story" on what makes this one superior to previous designs).

It's optimized for a sawtooth input, but any single waveform with a slope going into this thing... comes out as a super fat three-hundred pound gorilla of waveforms!

There is even "Voltage Controlled FAT" (Imagine That!)

Many of us have spent years auditioning low pass filters on the quest for that super rich monster powerful sound, well... I believe you will find the Cynthia Sawtooth Animator to be the secret weapon that will push your sound over that crucial edge!

More than simply a chorus circuit, the Animator effects range from creamy lush sounds to totally wacked-out warbling, and as a bonus, there's a cloud of front panel outputs from the six internal LFOs that automatically track the frequency of the incoming waveform. (With two oscillators and two of these new Sawtooth Animator modules, you can spread the cloud of LFOs or bring them into focus together simply by controlling the frequencies of the two incoming oscillators).

The audio output waveforms vary from staircase waves to multiple mountain peaks and add sophistication and raw power to your music.

A slam-dunk "Must Have" Module for any synthesizer!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

another update

the latest update from Paul Schreiber.

a) due to my "day job" schedule, I will actually ship modules up until Dec 20th.

b) there will be 2 'groups' of modules: those shipped Nov 26-30 and those shipped Dec 15-20. So....if you don't get a 'Happy Email' for the first batch, you can email me and I will let you know if I think you will be getting something in the second batch.

c) Note that I am shipping these by *module*: meaning, I am making up sets of modules, then I will go through the backlog old to new, and ship all I have made up of those modules.

d) I don't have enough time to ship every module to every person. The backlog is about 356 modules total, and I expect to be shipping about 200 of them. Whatever is left over, will ship out by mid-Feb.

e) I am almost 100% done with the existing MOTM 2.0 orders. <10 orders left to ship

f) I am expecting mounting rails Nov. 28th.

g) still waiting for log pots to arrive from France.

h) be sure you have your credit/debit cards *ready to be charged* starting this Friday.

Paul S.

Friday, November 16, 2007

More Robots being made

Another fun video , courtesy of the Robotmakers.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

update from Synthesis technology

Just a quick note to let everyone know the status of the backlog as of today:

a) the last 2 weeks, I have been soldering the pc boards for shipping ~60% of the assembled backlog. The pc board soldering should be done by this Saturday (not the entire module, but all of the parts on the pc board).

b) today, I started on putting together the kit backlog. Here are the kits that I am making up first-

the first 30 MOTM-300s

I am making up all the kits on order for these (except the 300s), and then I will start shipping. The shipping is by order #, oldest to newest. But, since I am making up all the backlog of a certain kit (unless I miscounted!) that means everyone who ordered these will get these. Now, there are many folks that have these *and* other kits not on this list. Those will be in
batch #2, which I will start kitting up ~ Dec 1st. The vast majority of those are MOTM-300s, but it is *unlikely* I will have time to kit all of the backlog AND have time to finish out and ship the assembled backlog of the boards I have sitting here.

I expect the shipping will start Nov 21st. If it's sooner, so much the better :)

c) I will also ship 10 MOTM-650s out between now and Dec15th. If I have time, I can ship a few more.

d) Standard speech about payment>> If you have an outstanding order, and it's on a credit/debit card, and it has not been charged yet, then *BE SURE* that you have the funds/balance available to cover your orders. Because, if I get to your order and the card is declined, I *WILL NOT SHIP TO YOU THIS YEAR*. I do not have the time or energy to email, set your order aside, wait for funds, rerun the card, blah blah blah. I will simply put your order in a pile, email you on the 15th, and try again on Jan 15th.

I will not be running module order cards this week :) So you have some time to gather funds if need be.

e) if you have a current MOTM 2.0 order: all of these will ship out no later than Nov 21st. I *will not* ship any MOTM 2.0 orders after Dec 10th, I need all the time at the end for module backlog orders. You can place an order, but it won't ship until Jan.

OK, enough sounding like Cranky Old Fart. Back to work.

Paul S.


Thursday, November 08, 2007

MOTM of the week

This time a slightly different MOTM. As said, I am interested in all kinds of systems that contain at least one MOTM module, and here is one of them. This is the modular of Terje Winther from Norway.
He writes: As you can see, I have one MOTM module (quad LFO) that I uses to enhance my moog/ system.
More pictures, photos and sound can be found by following the "Concert" and "Music" tags.
Performed many times with this system live, and recorded several CDs with this system."

He can also be heard on the CD Analogy 3, of which I reported previously, and a friend of my is featured on there with his solo project Studio 35D.

More info about Terje's music, synths etc can be found at:this location.

Send my your MOTM news, info, pictures at .



It's hard to keep a blog updated when traveling, I found thus far. I'm currently on board Holland America's MS Rotterdam, crossing from Dakar to Recife, Brasil. It's great to have internet on board, but it is so slow, due to satellite restrictions....
Anyway, found the time to work on some music, be it not on the MOTM, but some sequences that I made in Logic Pro, and will transfer to midi files when I get back home and let them loose on the MOTM, to record them back as audio into Logic.
That way, I can still be active with music, eventhough I don't have direct access to the synth. Currently, I also do not have any kits with me, as I tend to do a little soldering when I am away too, so it's all a bit slow. Hopefully though, you , the reader of all this, are making up for it, and perhaps have a nice synth to show of to the world, send them to and I will post them on this blog for everyone to enjoy your hard labor.