Just a quick note to let everyone know the status of the backlog as of today:
a) the last 2 weeks, I have been soldering the pc boards for shipping ~60% of the assembled backlog. The pc board soldering should be done by this Saturday (not the entire module, but all of the parts on the pc board).
b) today, I started on putting together the kit backlog. Here are the kits that I am making up first-
the first 30 MOTM-300s
I am making up all the kits on order for these (except the 300s), and then I will start shipping. The shipping is by order #, oldest to newest. But, since I am making up all the backlog of a certain kit (unless I miscounted!) that means everyone who ordered these will get these. Now, there are many folks that have these *and* other kits not on this list. Those will be in
batch #2, which I will start kitting up ~ Dec 1st. The vast majority of those are MOTM-300s, but it is *unlikely* I will have time to kit all of the backlog AND have time to finish out and ship the assembled backlog of the boards I have sitting here.
I expect the shipping will start Nov 21st. If it's sooner, so much the better :)
c) I will also ship 10 MOTM-650s out between now and Dec15th. If I have time, I can ship a few more.
d) Standard speech about payment>> If you have an outstanding order, and it's on a credit/debit card, and it has not been charged yet, then *BE SURE* that you have the funds/balance available to cover your orders. Because, if I get to your order and the card is declined, I *WILL NOT SHIP TO YOU THIS YEAR*. I do not have the time or energy to email, set your order aside, wait for funds, rerun the card, blah blah blah. I will simply put your order in a pile, email you on the 15th, and try again on Jan 15th.
I will not be running module order cards this week :) So you have some time to gather funds if need be.
e) if you have a current MOTM 2.0 order: all of these will ship out no later than Nov 21st. I *will not* ship any MOTM 2.0 orders after Dec 10th, I need all the time at the end for module backlog orders. You can place an order, but it won't ship until Jan.
OK, enough sounding like Cranky Old Fart. Back to work.
Paul S.