Today is the first day that Synthtech does no longer offer MOTM kits. It is a day of a new beginning, the end of an era, but the beginning of what hopefully will be many more years of quality ready build modules, and many exiting new products coming the next few years. (Cloudgenerator, sequencer, and many more).
Here is what Paul has to say:
Thanks to everyone that ordered kits today. Now, we have to ship them :)
Important dates
Dec. 15th: the last day Indiana ships
Dec. 20th: the last day this year I ship
Dec 20 - Jan 2nd: my Christmas holiday. Do NOT expect timely email responses during this period. It's a *holiday* :)
Jan. 15: when I resume shipping (this is where Indiana kits not going out before, go out)
Feb. 1st: MOTM 2.0 is revealed
If you discover an error in your order (missing parts, etc) you can send an email with the subject **KIT ERROR** but it may be Jan 2nd until I can respond. I know many folks will be taking time off to build these, but due to my holiday schedule, my wife working (she is a nurse and gets double pay Christmas week) I can't guarantee when I can respond.
Remember, the VCOs and power supplies ship by me, I'm starting to kit up tomorrow and also start on more MOTM-650s. I also plan to ship assembled VCOs that have been on the backlog a LONG time.
Everyone start saving your $$$ for the new stuff: I think you will be happy with both what the new stuff does, and the new business model.
Lastly: the MOAGB (Mother of All Goodie Boxes) will be available in late Jan. This is all the 'leftover' kit parts from Indiana. I am guessing there will be over 8,000 parts in there. Will be sold to the high bidder.
Paul Schreiber
Synthesis Technology